MLM Branding – How to Brand Yourself Online in 17 Simple Steps

Ever thought about MLM Branding, or How to Brand yourself to succeed in promoting your MLM business online? Is branding yourself even important at all when you’re involved with an MLM company which already exists as a brand? Yes it is and I’ll explain why…MLM Branding – How to Brand Yourself OnlineFirst, a definition of Branding (source:”Entire process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product (good or service) in the consumers’ mind, through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers”Take a moment to consider this definition carefully – it contains the essence of why and how to brand yourself. But what makes branding so critical when it comes to MLM?The Importance of MLM BrandingIn MLM, you must know how to brand yourself. How to brand yourself as a leader, as someone who can offer something unique to your prospects and customers. Why should anyone join up with you, rather than another sponsor, team or company? You have to have a smoking hot answer to that question if you want to set yourself apart from the countless other sponsors, teams and companies out there.Sometimes MLM companies go under, or even scrap their pay plans. Brand yourself as a leader, trainer, networker and team builder to weather this particular storm should it ever come your way. Your brand (often referred to as ‘You Inc’) gives you an autonomous structure independent of any company you may work with, which can be plugged into a new company at a moments notice, and allows for additional affiliate or other marketing outside your primary business.Your brand should inspire confidence, trust and positivity, and be combined with effective marketing to bring people to know, like and trust you. This foundation is what leads people to opt-in to your list, click on your emails, follow up your offers and ultimately, join your team or do business with you.That’s Why to Brand Yourself. Here’s How to Brand Yourself.1. Pick a NameGenerally the best name to use to brand yourself in MLM is your own name. If you don’t want to do this, brainstorm to develop your brand name. Mike Dillard’s ‘Magnetic Sponsoring’ is an example of this, which although associated with Mike, is a very strong MLM training brand which now operates independently of him.2. Pick a NicheYou need to know clearly what your brand values and purpose are in order to brand yourself effectively. What are you selling? What are you promoting? Who do you want to reach? What are their needs, wants and desire? What will they respond too? Answering these kinds of questions will help you identify your niche. A broad niche such as ‘MLM’ will be more difficult to target than a more focused one such as ‘MLM Lead Generation’ or ‘Social Media Marketing’3. Buy a DomainHaving a domain name that incorporates either your own name or the name of your brand is very powerful. If you’re not using your own name as your brand name, it’s worth considering the keyword content of your brand and domain name. Having a domain name which features keywords you’re trying to rank for will help you rank effectively. Check out for domain name availability.4. Show Your Face…Research shows that a face – especially a smiling face helps to develop trust in a brand. Since in online MLM you are looking to brand yourself as a leader, it makes sense to use your own face as the face of your brand. Use the same image or set of images for each profile, banner or header – this consistency makes instant brand recognition even easier and gives a sense of consistency5. Be unique – what’s so special about you?Have you got some experience that makes what you have to offer stand out from all the rest? Are you creative, do you have strong leadership skills? Do you have a good insight into people and the way they work, or boat loads of pure passion and drive to succeed and help others? Have you got extensive experience in Personal Development, or specialized Technical Knowledge? Perhaps you bring freshness – direct understanding of what it’s like to be a beginner and the courage and effort it takes to navigate those first steps on the path?6. Tell your StoryIn your Bio or About pages, make sure there’s a story which people can relate to or be inspired by (or both). Use your story to brand yourself by displaying your value, experience, humanity, individuality and to stimulate emotional connection with those who read it.7. Be everywhere….Make sure your brand is featured across a wide selection of Social Sites and Forums, especially those which are relevant to your industry. Always use your brand name as your profile name. Facebook and Twitter are essential, some other good ones are Better Networker (MLM and Online Marketing) and Blokube (SEO Marketing and Blogging), LinkedIn (Business Networking), Digg (Content Sharing) but there’s many. Don’t be limited, and do participate intelligently in the forums and sites you choose to join.8. Pick a Color…Pick a color scheme for your own websites, and all other material you put out. Two or Three colors works best. Keep it consistent wherever your brand appears.9. Develop a style…The style of images, website design, logos and so on should be consistent too. Are your corners sharp or curved? Is the font you use bold and simple or gentle and flowing? Is your page layout minimal full? What is the flavor of your brand?10. Get a logo…The best logo designs are instantly recognizable to almost everyone in the world. The Nike Swoosh. The Apple Apple. The Golden Arches of McDonald’s. A simple, bold symbol or image is best. (Tip: The plugin ‘Favicons’ for WordPress blogs is a handy tool which allows you to put your logo on the tab at the top of the browser page)11. Sign Your name…As a part of ‘personalizing’ your brand, add your signature to emails, posts, articles, or other places where you name appears. If you’re using a WordPress blog, the plugin ‘MyLiveSignature’ will give you a basic one for free, or one in your handwriting for a few dollars.12. Signing Off!After articles, posts and emails you’ll want to sign off with a consistent message. Over time, people will associate your brand with that message, so make it positive, simple and powerful. As you can see at the end of all my posts, my sign off is “To Your Abundance, Freedom and Success…”13. Be Relevant…Keep your content relevant and consistent. If your brand is built around MLM Branding, don’t put out an article about Fish.14. Go Multi-Media…The more different ways you present your brand, the more people will absorb your brand identity. Written articles, Videos, and Audio recordings are the most obvious mediums to use online.15. Play Your Own Tune…When you’re putting together audio or video for your brand content, find a suitable piece of music as a ‘signature’ and use it across all your material. Bear in mind the energy level of the music – do you want people to feel excited and energized or peaceful and calm when they hear it? Another point to consider is accessibility – Your favorite tune may not send out the right message – think about what your target market will enjoy, not what you enjoy16. Dominate Google for your brand name!Make sure that when people type your brand name into Google, they get results which are controlled by you. Especially as your brand develops, others will try to piggy back off your success, and even write negative reviews. Preferably your own websites will come up first, followed by your article and video content and Social Media profiles. You don’t just want the top spot, you want at least the whole first page…17. Frequency and RepetitionRinse and Repeat. Put your brand in more places. Get your message seem by as many people as possible. Make sure they will see it again and again. Share your content. Participate in forums. Network actively on Social Sites. People generally need to see your brand several times before they start to notice it, though the process is quicker if they see it in a number of different places.Now Just Do It! (As a famous brand once said). Look at ways to capitalize on the unique elements you have to offer. Bring your special skills, talents and perspective in line with the needs, wants and desires of your clearly defined target market. Be creative. Think outside the box. Brand Yourself.Jym Tarrant